Teme Display Upload
Please enter your company name
Note: please use the company name provided to you by Teme Display, it will not contain any spaces.
Upload Instructions
Please compress your files
using one of the following archiving utilities : Stuffit (Mac), Winrar or Winzip. Trial versions of these can be obtained via the following links :
Regardless of size,
always compress your files
, as this limits any cross-platform corruption (e.g. opening files on a mac that have been produced on a PC).
Your zipped files must be no more than
250Mb (mega-bytes)
The filenames of your files must be suffixed with one of the following extensions :
Mac users; please add extensions to the filename so our designers know immediately what the file is.
Use only
a-z A-Z 0-9 _ . -
characters in file names.
Using non-standard characters can cause problems with the upload process.